Massage for Everybody.


My Mission

My goal is to provide high quality bodywork, as healthcare for people, without the stigma of "add-ons". To work with the body, and what it needs, Every. Single. Session. Getting people to a place where chronic pain is not normal. 
Every session (regardless of having worked on you before or not) starts with a consultation, evaluating your body, pains and issues you may not even be aware you are having. I will go over treatment options and see what you are comfortable with. This may include cupping, scraping, medicinal creams, hot stones, or several massage techniques. 
I will find and treat ailments in the body as I find them, and use the tools I have to help you reach a better place, and our goals for that session.
Wrapping everything up, I like to send you home knowing what I found while working, as well as tips to take care of yourself at home. 
I take pride in sending you to one of my many associates if I feel they can help you better than I can. We are lucky to live in a community surrounded by wonderful, functional healthcare providers.



If you are interested in trades of art, food, services or anything you think I may be interested in, please email me at Trades are based on hour/hour work, or price match up.